INTEK : Jurnal Informatika dan Teknologi Informasi <pre>Title :Informatika dan Teknologi Informasi<br>Abbreviation :Intek<br>DOI Prefix :10.37729/intek<br>ISSN :<a href=";1519976031&amp;26&amp;&amp;">2620-4843</a>(p), <a title="e-ISSN" href=";1519976031&amp;26&amp;&amp;" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2620-4924</a>(e)<br>Type of review :Single Blind<br>Frequency :Twice a year (May and November)<br>Editor in Chief :<a href=";user=6cIUk4MAAAAJ&amp;view_op=list_works&amp;sortby=pubdate" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Wahju Tjahjo Saputro</a><br>Indexing :<a href="">Click&nbsp;here</a><br>Focus &amp; Scope :<a href="">Click here</a></pre> en-US (Wahju Tjahjo Saputro) (Nuning Cahyaningrum, S.Pd.) Mon, 27 Nov 2023 15:05:48 +0700 OJS 60 Perancangan User Interface Dan User Experience Pada Customer Interface Website Perusahaan Transportasi Menggunakan Metode Usability Testing <p><em>Ordering transportation services through customer service requires a long time for negotiations re-garding prices, types of fleets and the amount of goods transportation services. The negotiations took a long time until agreed to order. From these problems, a safe interface is created where customers can find out the price per route and type of fleet as well as the number of goods transport services in-dependently and can be considered by customers regarding the prices that can be offered. The user in-terface (UI) page is made to facilitate website-based implementation. User interface pages are created with figma software using the usability testing method. The results of the analysis show that there are 4 UI/UX including User interface (UI) customer page, user interface (UI) check delivery page, user interface (UI) page stepper 1, user interface (UI) page stepper 2, user interface ( UI) page stepper 2, user interface (UI) page-safe stepper 3. The results of usability testing using aspects of the indicators of learnability, memorability, efficiency, errors, and satisfaction have been calculated to produce an average value above 0.78% per indicator. The results of this value show a large value and show that the UI/UX page of the customer interface is very good.</em></p> Imam Syafii Imam, Ahmad Aufar Ribhi, Mutia Ulfa, Vincensia Seranede, Nita Ilmiyatul Lailiah Copyright (c) 2023 Imam Syafii, Ahmad Aufar Ribhi, Mutia Ulfa, Vincensia Seranede, Nita Ilmiyatul Lailiah Wed, 22 Nov 2023 00:18:01 +0700 Literatur Review: Penerapan Metode Analytic Hierarchy Process Sebagai Teknik Prioritas Kebutuhan Perangkat Lunak <p><em>AHP is one of the popular techniques used in prioritizing software requirements. This study aims to determine the application of AHP as a software requirements priority technique by reviewing thirty literature related to the application of AHP as a software requirements prioritization technique pub-lished in 2017 to 2023. The results of the study explain that the application of AHP has several ad-vantages, but on the other hand AHP also has some drawbacks. Over time, a number of literatures have discussed the development of AHP which aims to minimize weaknesses in the application of AHP. The development of AHP is by integrating AHP with Planning Game, MoSCoW, QFD, and Fuzzy. In addition, development is also carried out by adding new algorithms, namely ReDCCahp and Enhanced AHP. The results of this study provide a useful reference for researchers and practitioners in the field of requirements engineering in prioritizing software requirements using AHP.</em></p> Afifah Nurul Izzati Copyright (c) 2023 Afifah Nurul Izzati Wed, 22 Nov 2023 00:56:30 +0700 Uji Sensivitas Metode TOPSIS dan Weighted Product Pada Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Seleksi Kandidat Ketua Himpunan Mahasiswa <p><em>A student association is a student organization at a university that serves as a platform for student as-pirations and provides opportunities for self-development, skill enhancement, and leadership devel-opment through various student activities. Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknologi Informasi (HIMATEKNO) is the student association within the Information Technology Program at the Muhammadiyah Univer-sity of Purworejo (UMP). HIMATEKNO boasts a considerable number of members. Effective leader-ship is crucial for running this organization and ensuring its success. The process of selecting the HIMATEKNO chairman is essential to ensure that the chosen individual can lead the association suc-cessfully. The presence of a decision support system in the election of the HIMATEKNO chairman plays a significant role in the candidate selection process. A decision support system should incorpo-rate Multi-Attribute Decision Making (MADM) methodology. This research aims to conduct sensitivity testing on MADM methods, namely, TOPSIS and Weighted Product (WP). Based on the sensitivity testing results of the TOPSIS and WP methods, WP has a sensitivity test result of -0.000019%, while TOPSIS has a sensitivity test result of -0.00084%. As a result, WP is a more suitable method for im-plementing in the decision support system for the selection of the HIMATEKNO chairman due to its superior sensitivity level.</em></p> Ike Yunia Pasa, Nur Wachid Adi Prasetya, Yoga Sahria, Dian Febrianto Copyright (c) 2023 Ike Yunia Pasa, Nur Wachid Adi Prasetya, Yoga Sahria, Dian Febrianto Wed, 22 Nov 2023 23:36:01 +0700 Sistem Simulasi Pergerakan Shalat dan Bahasa Isyarat Untuk Anak Tuna Rungu Menggunakan Metode Role Play Berbasis Android <p>Dalam pendidikan orang berkebutuhan khusus, penting untuk menyediakan metode pembelajaran yang efektif dan interaktif. Salah satu aspek penting dalam konteks agama Islam adalah pemahaman dan pelaksanaan gerakan shalat yang benar. Namun, orang berkebutuhan khusus sering menghadapi kesulitan dalam mempelajari gerakan-gerakan shalat dengan cara yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan mereka. Untuk mengatasi hambatan tersebut, dikembangkanlah Sistem Simulasi Pergerakan Shalat Serta Bahasa Isyarat Untuk Anak Tuna Runggu&nbsp; Menggunakan Metode Role Play Berbasis Android. Metode Role Play digunakan dalam sistem ini untuk menciptakan pengalaman pembelajaran yang lebih realistis dan terlibat. Pengguna dapat memilih peran yang mereka inginkan, seperti imam atau makmum, dan sistem akan memberikan panduan langkah demi langkah tentang gerakan yang harus dilakukan. Selain itu, sistem ini juga dilengkapi dengan Bahasa Isyarat yang membantu pengguna dalam mempelajari komunikasi non-verbal yang penting dalam konteks agama terutama dalam hal bacaan latin shalat. Sistem ini dikembangkan dengan memanfaatkan platform Android yang populer dan mudah diakses oleh pengguna. Aplikasi ini dirancang agar mudah digunakan pada perangkat seluler seperti smartphone atau tablet, sehingga pengguna dapat mempelajari gerakan shalat dan bahasa isyarat dengan fleksibilitas. Hasil dari implementasi sistem android pada SLB Aneuk Nangroe mendapat persentase peningkatan menjadi 71% yang awalnya hanya 29,9% dan persentase tersebut saat sistem belum digunakan. Dengan adanya Sistem Simulasi Pergerakan Shalat Serta Bahasa Isyarat Untuk Anak Tuna Runggu Menggunaka Metode Role Play Berbasis Android sangat efektif untuk pembelajaran gerakan shalat dan bahasa isyarat bagi anak tuna runggu menjadi lebih efektif, menarik, dan sesuai dengan kebutuhan individu.</p> <p><strong>Kata Kunci</strong> : Sistem Simulasi, Role Play, Android, Shalat, Tuna Runggu</p> Shahlan shahlan, Safwandi, Zara Yunizar Copyright (c) 2023 Shahlan shahlan, Safwandi, Zara Yunizar Wed, 22 Nov 2023 23:47:24 +0700 Perancangan Media Pembelajaran Aqidah Akhlak Dengan Smart Apps Creator Berbasis Mobile Apps di MTI Canduang <p><em>The problems in this study are based on the results of observations and interviews that the author conducted, first, the teaching teacher still uses printed book media, second, the teacher still uses the lecture method, third, the teacher has not used technological media as a support. Meanwhile, students said they felt bored and quite difficult to understand the material for teaching morals because teachers still did not use technology-based me-dia as a support. Based on this, the researcher is interested in conducting research by providing a technological approach, namely producing the design of learning media for Aqidah Akhlak with smart apps creators based on mobile apps at MTI Canduang. This study uses the Research and Development (R&amp;D) method with the DDD-E development model. Media development using the DDD-E model consists of Decide, Design, Develop, Evaluate. The results of the product test that the author did obtained a validity test from 6 validators obtained a value of 0.82 with a valid category, practicality test from 2 students obtained a value of 0.92 with a very high category, and the effectiveness test of 15 students obtained a value of 0.84 with high effectiveness category.</em></p> Nita Sari, Sarwo Derta, Hari Antoni Musril, Gurnita Darmawati Copyright (c) 2023 Nita Sari, Sarwo Derta, Hari Antoni Musril, Gurnita Darmawati Thu, 23 Nov 2023 00:04:35 +0700 Model Predictive Analytics Terhadap Pasien Diabetes Menggunakan Exploratory Data Analysis dan Algoritma Random Forest <p><em>Diabetes is one of the diseases that fall into the category of chronic (long-term) diseases. This disease is characterized by increased blood sugar (glucose) levels that exceed the normal threshold. As a result, the function of the insulin hormone in the body is disrupted.1In 2021, the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) noted that there were 537 million adults aged 20 - 79 years (Reza Pahlevi, 2021). Diabetes also causes 6.7 million deaths. Several factors that cause diabetes include being overweight, high cholesterol levels, lifestyle and not exercising and age. Until now, no medicine has been found that can treat this disease completely, so what needs to be done is to detect diabetes early to control the dangers of diabetes.1</em><br><em>This research will create a predictive analytics model to predict whether someone will develop diabetes. The data analysis technique used Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) and the machine learning model used Random Forest. This research used data from the website Kaggle with a total of 769 people. The data consists of 9 columns with 7 data and 2 data.</em><br><em>After analyzing the sampling data, the accuracy of the training data was 0.998207 with a Mean Squared Error of 0.00179. Testing data obtained was 0.74603 with Mean Squared Error of 0.25396. The prediction results from 20 sample data tested, obtained 18 times the model made correct predictions and 2 times the model made incorrect predictions.</em></p> Hamid Muhammad Jumasa Copyright (c) 2023 Hamid Muhammad Jumasa Jumasa Mon, 27 Nov 2023 09:36:45 +0700 Analisis Lalu Lintas Data Internet Gim Multipemain Battle Royale Berbasis Konsol di Jakarta <p><em>Playing games on portable or non-portable console platforms is an activity that can be done anywhere when having free time. However, playing online-based games requires reliable Internet speed in Jakarta, both wired and wireless, in several areas, specifically in multiplayer online games like Fortnite, which are busy playing multi-platforms. This study aims to determine Internet data traffic when playing in 1 match. This research activity was carried out using quantitative methods, measured descriptively, using non-probabilistic samples, and using primary data that was recorded and worked on independently. Obtained in 1 time playing the game Fortnite has an average downstream of 10.52 ± 4.41 KBps, upstream of 3.08 ± 1.12 Kbps, ping of 103.44 ± 10.74 milliseconds, and 0% packet loss. Data traffic, which is only 0.12% downstream and 0.04% upstream, shows that this game is friendly to Internet data traffic to be played on game consoles using a postpaid cable network in Jakarta.</em></p> Unang Solihin, Rafie Djajasoepena Copyright (c) 2023 Unang solihin, Rafie Djajasoepena Mon, 27 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Analisis Manajemen Risiko pada UMKM Toko Syirkah Menggunakan ISO 31000 <p><em>Syirkah Shop is a shop that sells various types of daily necessities. In carrying out business processes, of course there are risks that might hamper these business activities. The aim of this research is to analyze the possible risks that exist at the Syirkah Shop using ISO 31000 which is a standard related to risk management. This research uses a qualitative method with a Case Study Research method approach through several stages in accordance with the ISO 31000 framework. Data collection was carried out by direct observation and interviews at the Syirkah Shop. The results of the research findings showed that there were 11 possible risks that existed at the Syirkah Shop, there were 3 risks with a risk level classified as High Risk, there were 6 risks with a Medium Risk level, and there were 2 risks with a Low Risk level. Based on this analysis, risk management proposals are produced so that they can prevent and minimize possible risks that arise so that they do not disrupt business activities at the Syirkah Shop.</em></p> Dina Nur Amelia Copyright (c) 2023 Dina Nur Amelia Mon, 27 Nov 2023 10:45:39 +0700 Evaluasi Tata Kelola Teknologi Informasi Menggunakan Kerangka Kerja Cobit 5 di SMK XYZ <p><em>The application of IT in the field of education has emerged, such as in SMK Muhammadiyah Purworejo. The presence of IT in the organization helps improve school progress both in operational activities and services. However, in the school, there are still some parts that have not been managed properly. Problems that exist in SMK Muhammadiyah Purworejo such as school management activities that are not yet well structured, for example: not having a school payment system, not having a library system service, and the school's vision, mission, and goals that have not been implemented properly.</em><br><em>This study attempts to evaluate governance using the COBIT version 5 framework to assist in guiding the management of the school. researchers used the APO domain (sub domain APO-02 and APO-07) and BAI (sub domain BAI06). The selected domain will evaluate for managing strategy, HR, and managing change. Researchers obtained school data from interviews, observations, and distributing questionnaires to respondents (there were 18 people). The results of the questionnaire distribution show that the Purworejo Muhammadiyah Vocational School agrees to hold follow-up changes in the school so that it can realign according to the school's vision, mission, and goals.</em><br><em>The average of the APO-02 subdomain is 0.365; APO-07 of 0.157; and BAI-06 of 0.147. The domain gap is still at level 0 (Incomplete Process). The results of the BAI-06 and APO-02 sub-domains are </em><em>still too far from the expected target, which is at level 3 (Established Process), while APO-07 is the expected target at level 4 (Predictable Process). Recommendations given by researchers from the BAI06 domain require improvement of business processes both from services, and school policies, and always evaluating these changes. APO-02 recommendations on strategic management in terms of improving student services and designing long-term strategies for schools. Meanwhile, APO-07 continues to develop the quality of its human resources by increasing its skills and expertise.</em></p> Feni Susilowati, Wahju Tjahjo Saputro, Ike Yunia Pasa Copyright (c) 2023 Feni Susilowati, Wahju Tjahjo Saputro, Ike Yunia Pasa Mon, 27 Nov 2023 11:57:29 +0700 Implementasi Malicious Traffic Untuk Mendeteksi Serangan Siber di SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Yogyakarta <p><em>The Covid-19 pandemic has had a positive impact including the increasing implementation of information technology in various fields including the education sector. One of them is the increasing use of mobile devices such as cell phones or tote computers that utilize wireless networks. Connecting devices via wireless networks has a serious impact on the potential threat of cyber attacks. The potential threat of cyberattacks on devices during the Covid-19 pandemic is increasing, this is indicated by 975 million anomalous traffic recorded by Badan Siber dan Sandi Negara (BSSN) in 2022. To identify these potential threats, a sensor is needed on the internal network. In this research, it is proposed to implement a cyber attack sensor to detect these potential threats. Based on network traffic monitoring, this research shows that there is a potential for data leakage originating from cell phones. Therefore, the potential for data leakage from cell phones or other devices needs to be evaluated to secure computer systems and networks.</em></p> Dedy Hariyadi, Kartikadyota Kusumaningtyas, Burhan Alfironi Muktamar Copyright (c) 2023 Dedy Hariyadi, Kartikadyota Kusumaningtyas, Burhan Alfironi Muktamar Mon, 27 Nov 2023 14:23:54 +0700