Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan Matematika (JIPM) 2024-05-12T00:44:43+07:00 Teguh Wibowo Open Journal Systems <pre><strong>Imprint information</strong><br>Title :Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan Matematika (JIPM)<br>Abbreviation :JIPM<br>DOI Prefix :<a id="pub-id::doi" href="">10.37729/jipm</a><br>ISSN :2714-8157 (e)<br>Frequency :Twice a year (April and Oktober)<br>Editor in Chief :Dr.Teguh Wibowo<br>Managing Editor :Dr. Riawan Yudi Purwoko</pre> Analisis Berpikir Relasional Siswa Climber dalam Memecahkan Masalah Matematika 2024-03-12T05:33:03+07:00 Rilita Rindani <p>This study aims to determine the relational thinking ability of climber students in solving mathematical problems. This type of research is a qualitative research with a phenomenological approach. Taking the subject with a purposive technique. The research subjects were students of class VIII of junior high school who had the adversity quotient intelligence of the climber type. Data collection techniques used are questionnaires, tests, interviews, documentation, and field notes. The analysis technique used is data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results showed that climber students only carried out relational thinking activities at the stage of implementing the plan. At this stage, climber students are able to connect the information provided with previous knowledge, namely utilizing knowledge about the LCM of a number to change the equation into an equivalent form in order to be able to perform the SPLDV solution method. In addition, climber students build relationships using mathematical properties, namely solving SPLDV using mixed methods (elimination and substitution) to find the value of a variable by performing several mathematical operations involving the use of inverse properties in multiplication and inverse properties in addition.</p> 2023-10-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan Matematika (JIPM) Peningkatkan Motivasi dan Kemampuan Hitung Matematika dengan Problem Based Learning Berbantuan Komik 2024-03-14T04:43:40+07:00 Neny Endriana Saripuddin Anggi Sasongko <p>The purpose of this study was to find out how to improve motivation and mathematical arithmetic ability from learning outcomes in statistic lesson through PBL with comic models for XII TKR C students of SMK Wongsorejo Gombong in 2022/2023. The research method used was classroom action research consisting of four components, namely planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. The results of the study concluded that the increase of motivation and mathematical arithmetic ability from learning outcomes through the application of PBL with comic had a positive effect. It seen by the increase from first cycle to second cycle. The student motivation in first cycle were 12,90% had weak motivation; 61,29% immediate motivation, and 25,81% had strong motivation increase to 7,32% weak motivation; 46,34% immediate motivation, and 46,34% strong motivation in second cycle. The mathematical arithmetic ability from learning outcomes in first cycle was 77,42% increase to 87,80% in second cycle.</p> 2023-10-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan Matematika (JIPM) Indeks Literasi Digital Siswa MTs Kecamatan Pabelan, Semarang dan Kecamatan Kalasan, Sleman 2024-03-15T03:06:43+07:00 Naela Faza Fariha Nafida Hetty Marhaeni Astri Wulandari <p>Communication and information technology has built modern civilization, where communication is no longer in a vacuum, nor in the context of homogeneity. Through research on the digital literacy index of teenagers at Islamic Junior High School (MTs) in Pabelan District, Semarang Regency and Kalasan District, Sleman Regency, the objectives to be achieved are: (1) Mapping the level of digital literacy of MTs students, (2) Mapping the ability of MTs students in using digital media (3) Assisting local governments in making decisions regarding literacy education format issues digital that suits the conditions in the school. In this research the author uses quantitative research methods with an explanatory research format. This survey method is carried out by distributing questionnaires. The results showed that the literacy level of MTs students in Pabelan and Kalasan District was 4.1, included in the medium category. A total of 2 of the 8 indicators used produced a high category index, namely an index of Cultural dan Social Understanding and E-Safety, while the other 6 were included in the medium category. Based on these results, it can be categorized that MTs students in Pabelan and Kalasan Districts already have knowledge about the digital world in the moderate category.</p> 2023-10-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan Matematika (JIPM) Asosiasi Gaya Belajar De Porter & Hernacki dengan Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa SMP 2024-05-12T00:17:54+07:00 Yatha Yuni Kevin Kaenji Wayoan Mamat Galih Saputra <p>Student learning styles can influence their learning outcomes. Sometimes, a student's learning style in class can pose an obstacle for other students, as it may hinder their ability to focus on receiving lessons. The aim of this research is to investigate the relationship between learning styles and mathematics learning outcomes. The method is quantitative research utilizing correlation techniques. Random sampling was conducted among class VIII students of SMP Negeri 4 Cikarang Selatan. The research instrument for measuring learning styles was a questionnaire, while mathematics learning outcomes were assessed using multiple-choice tests. Pre-requisites for analysis included normality testing (Lilliefors test) and simple linear regression test (ANOVA). The results indicated that both variables were normally distributed, and the regression test demonstrated that mathematics learning outcomes were influenced by linear learning styles. Based on Pearson's product-moment correlation test calculations, it can be concluded that there is a significant positive relationship between learning styles and mathematics learning outcomes for students at SMP Negeri 4 Cikarang Selatan.</p> 2023-10-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan Matematika (JIPM) Interkoneksi Materi Aljabar dalam Al Qur'an dan Desain Pembelajarannya pada Siswa SMP 2024-05-12T00:44:43+07:00 Asri Ainul Jannah Riawan Yudi Purwoko <p>Numerous researchers have done mathematical analyses of the Qur'an. This research seeks to determine the connection (interrelationship) between algebraic material and the Qur'an and integrate the mathematical learning process into instructional systems, particularly in the connectivity of algebraic information in the Qur'an. This research utilizes qualitative approaches, including content analysis, documentation, and interviews for data collection. Given the wide scope of mathematics, research is limited to verses of the Qur'an, which contain operations of algebraic forms. The tools utilized are interview guides and recording aids. Data analysis comprises the phases of data reduction, data display, and conclusions. The study results indicate an interconnection of algebraic material in the Qur'an, which includes algebraic operations material, namely addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of algebraic forms. The interconnectivity of algebraic material in the Qur'an can be found in twelve verses. As is well known, there are five paragraphs devoted to the operation of addition of algebraic forms, two to the operation of subtraction of algebraic forms, one to the operation of multiplication of algebraic forms, and four to the operation of the division of algebraic forms. In addition, the earliest mathematics learning design is located in the core of learning grammar as a sort of integration of the Qur'anic content, which becomes the backdrop for learning mathematics, particularly algebraic information.</p> 2023-10-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan Matematika (JIPM)