Jurnal Riset Agribisnis dan Peternakan 2024-01-08T15:59:46+07:00 Roisu Eny Mudawaroch Open Journal Systems <pre>Title :Jurnal Riset Agribisnis dan Peternakan<br>Abbreviation :jrap<br>DOI Prefix :10.37729/jrap<br>ISSN :<a title="p-ISSN" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2527-9912</a>(p), <a title="e-ISSN" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2614-8145</a>(e)<br>Type of review :Single Blind<br>Frequency :Twice a year (June &amp; December)<br>Editor in Chief :Roisu Eny Mudawaroch<br>Managing Editor : Jeki M.W.&nbsp;Wibawanti&nbsp;<br>Indexing :<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Click&nbsp;here</a><br>Focus &amp; Scope :<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Click here</a></pre> <p>&nbsp;</p> Pakan Sapi Perah Laktasi di Peternakan Rakyat di Desa Bawang Kotamadya Kediri 2024-01-08T15:42:55+07:00 Purwanti Purwanti Ermi Hastiningtyas <p><em>Dairy cows cultivated by smallholder farmers have the disadvantage of providing rations.&nbsp; The ration given is the feed available around without calculating the nutritional value. The purpose is to know the quantity and quality of rations of lactation PFH dairy cows.&nbsp; The results showed that the consumption of eating substances exceeded the needs, namely the consumption of kerin materials (BK) and protein digestibility (DP), while the lower than the needs were the total digestible food substances (TDN). The average consumption of BK, DP and TDN consumed by the record per day was 12.60 kg, 970.43 g and 4.72 g. The balance of forage and concentrates in the ration given by PFH lactation dairy cows was 37.5: 62.5. The milk production of dairy cows PFH lactation is 9.5-12.5 liters with a fat content of 3.2 percent.&nbsp; It is recommended in the preparation of the ration of lactation dairy cows based on body weight, amount of production and fat content, so that the feed given is efficient and economical, but optimal production can be obtained.</em></p> 2023-12-27T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Purwanti Purwanti, Ermi Hastiningtyas Analisis Kelayakan Usaha Peternakan Sapi Potong 2024-01-08T15:43:25+07:00 Fatma Yuni Safitri Zulfanita Zulfanita Faruq Iskandar <p><em>Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui: 1)analisis biaya meliputi biaya produksi, penerimaan, pendapatan, dan keuntungan usaha peternakan sapi potong di Desa Jogoresan Kecamatan Purwodadi Kabupaten Purworejo dan 2)kelayakan usaha peternakan sapi potong di Desa Jogoresan Kecamatan Purwodadi Kabupaten Purworejo. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Desa Jogoresan Kecamatan Purwodadi Kabupaten Purworejo. Penentuan lokasi penelitian dilakukan dengan metode studi kasus. Sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 60 peternak. Analisis data menggunakan biaya produksi, penerimaan, pendapatan, keuntungan dan analisis kelayakan usaha. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa usaha peternakan sapi potong di Desa Jogoresan Kecamatan Purwodadi Kabupaten Purworejo layak diusahakan dari segi biaya produksi, penerimaan, pendapatan, dan keuntungan.</em></p> 2023-12-26T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Fatma Yuni Safitri Kesukaan Konsumen Pada Telur Pindang Yang Dibuat Dengan Berbagai Macam Bahan Penyamak 2024-01-08T15:59:46+07:00 Roisu Eny Mudawaroch Rinawidiastuti Rinawidiastuti <p><em>Pindang eggs are one of the egg preservation and processing techniques.&nbsp; The material used for making pindangh eggs is a material that contains tannins.&nbsp; The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of various tanners on the organoleptic test of pindang eggs. The results of this study are expected to be information material for producers about the influence of various kinds of tanners on organoleptic tests of pindang eggs.&nbsp; The material in this study is chicken eggs, tanning ingredients, namely: tea leaves, onion skin, teak leaves, guava leaves, coconut fibers, salt, water and bay leaves. The study used was an experiment with a complete randomized design. The results of this study show that making pindang eggs with various tannery ingredients shows a real influence on the taste, color of egg whites, color of egg yolks and smell of pindang eggs. The conclusion of this study is that there is a real influence of various tanners from tea, onion peel, teak leaves, guava leaves and coconut fibers on the taste, color of egg whites, color of egg yolks and smell of pindang eggs. It is recommended that in making pindang eggs, you should use a tanner from tea because it provides the most preferred results for consumers.</em></p> 2024-01-08T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Roisu Eny Mudawaroch, Rinawidiastuti Rinawidiastuti Penambahan Vitera Plus Dalam Air Minum Terhadap Pertambahan Berat Badan Ayam Pedaging 2024-01-08T15:44:05+07:00 Dwijo Warso Herawati Herawati <p><em>The development of the broiler business is very volatile due to relatively unstable meat prices and high feed prices. One product to increase the level of broiler feed efficiency is to provide viterna plus. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of viterna plus in drinking water on the growth of broiler chicken weight. The material in this study was 100 DOC strains CP 707. Treatment Ro = viterna plus 0 cc/liter, R1 = plus 1 cc/liter, R2 = viterna plus 2 cc/liter, R3 = viterna plus 3 cc/liter. Weight gain in the first week there was a marked difference (P&lt;0.05) where R0 was different from R2, but R1 and R3 were not significantly different from R0 or R2. Weight gain at weeks 2 to 6 is no different. In general, giving viterna plus has a very small effect, this is seen with low to high levels, namely in R1, R2 and R3 are no different. The conclusion is that the addition of viterna plus given through broiler chicken drinking water at a usage rate of 2 cc/head can improve weight gain.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; It is recommended to use 2 cc / head in order to increase daily weight gain, adding more than 2 cc / head does not increase weight gain.</em></p> 2023-12-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Pemanfaatan Ekstrak Limbah Pasar Buah Dan Sayuran Sebagai Pengganti Vaksin Serta Pemacu Pertumbuhan 2024-01-08T15:44:37+07:00 Rinawidiastuti Rinawidiastuti Zulfanita Zulfanita <p>Village chickens are usually kept by the community to meet the family's protein intake needs, either from eggs or meat. The chicken is easy to maintain, the meat and eggs are delicious and contain high nutrition and are safe for health. One type of free-range chicken is the Balitnak Superior Chicken (KUB). These chickens excel in egg production, uniform growth and disease resistance. However, farmers continue to prevent disease by providing vaccinations or vitamins. Based on this, a research was carried out by utilizing vegetable and fruit waste which was used as probiotics rich in lactic acid bacteria (LAB). The purpose of this research is not only to look at the potential of market waste for fermented vegetables and fruits, but also to determine the effect of the fermented products on livestock, both on productivity and health levels, as seen from the size of the lymphoid organs. The results of the study are the potential of vegetable and fruit market waste to be a source of lactic acid bacteria which has the potential to be a probiotic for chickens. The content of lactic acid bacteria affects feed consumption but not for drinking water consumption and body weight gain. Based on this, it can be concluded that the use of fermented vegetable and fruit market waste can be an alternative to probiotics and stimulate growth and reduce the dependence of farmers on the use of chemical vaccines.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-01-05T18:13:56+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Rinawidiastuti Rinawidiastuti Level dan Lama Pemberian Jus Kunyit (Curcuma domestica Val.) terhadap Jumlah Telur Cacing Ascaridia galli dalam Ekskreta Ayam Pedaging 2024-01-08T15:45:05+07:00 Yuliani Catur Puspitasari Herawati Herawati <p><em>The health of broiler chickens is improved by the addition of turmeric. Turmeric improves the health of broiler chickens. The purpose of the study was the effect of turmeric juice in drinking water on the number of Ascaridia galli worm curls in broiler chickens. The treatment of this study was the addition of turmeric juice: Po = 0 g / 500 ml, P1 = 10 g / 500 ml, T2 = 20 g / 500 ml, P3 = 30 g / 500 ml.&nbsp; The design used is a complete random design factorial pattern i.e. level and duration of turmeric juice administration. The results of anova showed that turmeric juice levels were significantly different from the number of Ascaridia galli worm eggs in broiler chickens.&nbsp; Average number of eggs Ascaridia galli Po= 27.93±1.36; P1= 9.90±1.68; P2=8.92±1.73; P3=5.25±1.25. The duration of administration of turmeric juice differs markedly from the number of eggs of Ascaridia galli worms in broiler chickens. Average number of eggs Ascaridia galli M2=18, 53±1.6c; M3=13, M4=50±2.15; M5=10, 57±2.69 and M6=9.40±2.90. The level of turmeric juice for broiler chickens affects the number of Ascharidia galli worm eggs in excreta. The duration of administration of turmeric juice levels for broiler chickens affects the number of Ascharidia galli worm eggs in excreta. There was an interaction between turmeric juice levels and the duration of administration of the number of Ascharidia galli worm eggs on excreta. It is recommended that turmeric juice be given to broiler chickens with a level of 10 g / 500 ml, and real results are seen in the 3rd week.</em></p> 2024-01-05T18:35:52+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Yuliani Catur Puspitasari, Herawati Herawati Level Penambahan Emulsifier Natrium Sitrat dan Dinatrium Fosfat terhadap Kadar Protein, pH dan Kadar Laktosa Keju Olahan 2024-01-08T15:45:06+07:00 Roisu Eny Mudawaroch <p><em>Processed cheese is made by adding an emulsifier. Emulsifiers commonly used come from sodium salts, namely sodium citrate and disodium phosphate. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of addition of sodium citrate and disodium phosphate emulsifiers to protein levels, pH and lactose levels. Research method using complete randomized design (RAL) with 5 treatments, namely E0= 0%; E1= 1%; E2=25, E3=3% and E4=4%, and repeated 4 times. The result of the study was that the addition of emulsifiers had a real effect on protein levels.&nbsp; Protein value E0= 31.57; E1= 33.35; E2=33.8; E3=34.87 and E4=31.67. The addition of sodium citrate and disodium phosphate emulsifiers has a very significant effect on increasing the pH value. The highest pH value at E3 = 5.56±0.04.&nbsp; The addition of sodium citrate and disodium phosphate emulsifiers has a significant effect on lactose levels. Emulsifiers added 3% give the highest lactose content of 3.08 percent.&nbsp; Conclusion The addition of sodium citrate and disodium phosphate emulsifiers produces a very significant effect on protein levels and latous levels, while on pH values a real effect.&nbsp; The addition of sodium citrate and disodium phosphate as much as 3% gives the highest value on protein content, pH and lactose levels. In making processed cheese using the basic ingredients of mozzarela cheese as much as 80% and cheddar cheese as much as 20%, you should use emulsifier as much as 3%.</em></p> 2024-01-06T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Roisu Eny Mudawaroch Manajemen Pemasaran Bibit Alpukat Di CV Wana Gemilang Kabupaten Magelang Jawa Tengah 2024-01-08T15:45:53+07:00 Didik Widiyantono Haryanti Haryanti <p><em>Avocado seeds are seeds that are quite in demand in the nursery world because of the large number of consumers. In addition, avocado seedlings are also easy to care for. The objectives of this study are: Identifying marketing management of CV Wana Gemilang, Knowing the effectiveness of online and offline marketing of avocado seeds in CV Wana Gemilang,&nbsp;&nbsp; Knowing how to increase sales profits of avocado seeds in CV Wana Gemilang. Data analysis used to discuss marketing management descriptively is an analysis method based on solving actual problems that exist today. Application of Marketing Management in CV. Wana Gemilang. Avocado Seed Marketing Planning Stage, Organizing, Implementing Avocado Marketing&nbsp; in CV. Wana Gemilang. Online and Offline Marketing Strategies.&nbsp;&nbsp; Increased profit from sales.&nbsp; There are two ways to do marketing strategies in CV wana Gemilang, namely offline and online. Offline marketing is still predominantly done because of customer satisfaction factors because they choose their own avocado seeds. Online marketing is carried out using a Whatsapp account only so that promotion is still lacking, but even so there are still many customers who place orders via whatsapp. CV Wana Gemilang's profit in February amounted to Rp8,857,500.00. The increase in sales experienced by CV Wana Gemilang in January to March was as much as 30%.</em></p> 2024-01-06T18:52:48+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Didik Widiyantono, Haryanti Haryanti