Jurnal Riset Agribisnis dan Peternakan https://jurnal.umpwr.ac.id/index.php/jrap <pre>Title :Jurnal Riset Agribisnis dan Peternakan<br>Abbreviation :jrap<br>DOI Prefix :10.37729/jrap<br>ISSN :<a title="p-ISSN" href="http://u.lipi.go.id/1466051534" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2527-9912</a>(p), <a title="e-ISSN" href="http://u.lipi.go.id/1515812000" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2614-8145</a>(e)<br>Type of review :Single Blind<br>Frequency :Twice a year (June &amp; December)<br>Editor in Chief :Roisu Eny Mudawaroch<br>Managing Editor : Jeki M.W.&nbsp;Wibawanti&nbsp;<br>Indexing :<a href="http://jurnal.umpwr.ac.id/index.php/jrap/indek" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Click&nbsp;here</a><br>Focus &amp; Scope :<a href="http://jurnal.umpwr.ac.id/index.php/jrap/scopes" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Click here</a></pre> <p>&nbsp;</p> en-US roisu@umpwr.ac.id (Roisu Eny Mudawaroch) radiasi@umpwr.ac.id (Eko Setyadi Kurniawan) Wed, 03 Jul 2024 04:53:52 +0700 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 Produksi Hijauan dan Daya Tampung Pastura di UPTD BPPTDK Margawati Garut Jawa Barat https://jurnal.umpwr.ac.id/index.php/jrap/article/view/4973 <p>Produksi hijauan merupakan hasil produksi bahan pakan baik berupa rumput atau legum yang telah dipanen untuk mencukupi ketersediaan kebutuhan pakan hijauan bagi ternak setiap harinya. kapasitas tampung pastura merupakan jumlah maksimum ternak yang dapat ditampung dalam area lahan pastura tanpa mengurangi sumber daya yang tersedia baik dari tanah maupun tanaman. Tujuan dari Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui produksi hijaun ternak dan daya tampung pastura. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada tanggal 05 Januari hingga 04 Februari 2024 di Unit Pelaksana Teknis Daerah Balai Pengembangan Perbibitan Ternak Domba dan Kambing (UPTD BPPTDK ) Margawati, Garut yang beralamatkan di Jl. Margawati KM.7 Sukanegala Garut Kota, Jawa Barat. Metode yang digunakan yaitu metode sistematik atau pengambilan sempling dengan kuadran yang berukuran 1x1 m<sup>2</sup> yang dilemparkan pada lahan penggembalaan secara acak. Sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 50 dari 8 titik lokasi lahan pastura. Hasil yang diperoleh dari kegiatan penelitian ini yaitu terdapat 10 jenis vegestasi hijauan pakan ternak meliputi rumput gajah, rumput Odot, rumput Odot super, rumput BD, rumput Pakchong, rumput Gajah Biogress, sedangkan legumnya berupa kaliandra bunga putih dan bunga merah, gamal, <em>Indigofera</em>, serta daun jati putih, serta memiliki produksi hijauan 5.652 ton/tahun dan memiliki daya tampung pastura pada musim penghujan 3.806 ekor dan 1.903 ekor dimusim kemarau.</p> Ahmad Rifki Rizaludin, Mohamad Haris Septian Septian Copyright (c) 2024 ahmadrifkirizaludin https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 https://jurnal.umpwr.ac.id/index.php/jrap/article/view/4973 Sun, 09 Jun 2024 12:07:33 +0700 Potensi Pengembangan Usaha Sapi Potong Di Desa Ketawangrejo Kecamatan Grabag Kabupaten Purworejo https://jurnal.umpwr.ac.id/index.php/jrap/article/view/3624 <p>Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui potensi pengembangan usaha sapi potong <br>serta faktor internal dan eksternal di Desa Ketawangrejo Kecamatan Grabag <br>Kabupaten Purworejo. Parameternya yaitu kekuatan, kelemahan, peluang dan <br>ancaman dalam pengembangan ternak sapi potong .Populasi penelitian sejumlah<br>219 orang dengan sampel 69 peternak sapi potong dengan 1 informan kunci <br>yaitu ketua kelompok tani dan 68 informan biasa yaitu peternak sapi potong. <br>Pengambilan sampel menggunakan rumus Slovin dengan tingkat kesalahan 10%. <br>Instrumen pengambilan data menggunakan kuisioner. Data yang diperoleh <br>dianalisis dengan menggunakan analysis IFAS dan EFAS serta menggunakan <br>analysis SWOT, Hasil analisis data menunjukan bahwa faktor internal dan <br>eksternal Ketersediaan tenaga kerja (Skor 0.25), sehingga mampu untuk <br>mengelola usaha. Selanjutnya kekuatan dari faktor internal yang yaitu akses <br>transportasi untuk mengangkut ternak mudah (Skor 0.33), akses transportasi <br>yang baik akan mempermudah dalam pendistribusian yang berkaitan dengan <br>usaha peternakan, sedangkan kelemahan usaha sapi potong yaitu rendahnya<br>pendidikan peternak (skor 0.38), tingkat pendidikan seseorang dalam beternak <br>mempunyai perananpenting dalam penyerapan informasi, Adapun kelemahan <br>selanjutnya yakni usaha ternak sapi sebagai sampingan (skor 0.38) dan <br>keterbatasan modal usaha (skor 0.29), faktor eksternal yang menjadi peluang <br>usaha sapi potong yaitu kemudahan memperoleh pakan (skor 0.37), peluang sapi <br>potong lainnya adalah pembatasan impor (skor 0.35), jumlah permintaan daging <br>meningkat (skor 0.37) adanya teknologi IB di masyarakat (skor 0.28). Hasil <br>perhitungan membuktikan bahwa usaha ternak sapi potong berada pada daerah <br>yang stabil. Strategi pengembangan usaha sapi potong dengan hasil yang baik<br>dapat dicapai dengan memaksimalkan kekuatan untuk memanfaatkan peluang <br>yang ada.</p> Miftakhurrohman, Faruq Iskandar Copyright (c) 2024 Miftakhurrohman https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 https://jurnal.umpwr.ac.id/index.php/jrap/article/view/3624 Mon, 10 Jun 2024 11:01:02 +0700 Kualitas Sensoris Telur Pindang batik yang Disamak dengan Teh Hitam https://jurnal.umpwr.ac.id/index.php/jrap/article/view/3947 <p><em>The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of tea leaf levels as a tanner on pindang batik egg organoleptic tests. The results of this study are expected to be useful as information for producers about the level of tea leaves as a tanning agent for organoleptic tests of pindang batik eggs.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; There is an influence of tea leaf levels as a tanner on the organoleptic test of pindang batik eggs.&nbsp; The material in this study was chicken eggs, tea leaves, salt, water and garlic. The study used was an experiment with a complete randomized design. The results of the analysis of the various effects of tea leaf levels as a tanner for pindang batik eggs showed no real difference (P&gt;0.05) against the organoleptic test of pindang batik egg taste.&nbsp; The results of variety analysis showed a significant difference (P&lt;0.05) from the organoleptic test of egg white color. Pindang batik eggs with a level of 0.25 percent tea leaves are most preferred by panelists because of the dense brown color of egg whites. The results of the variety analysis did not show a noticeable difference (P&gt;0.05) from the organoleptic test of pindang batik egg yolk color.&nbsp; The results of variety analysis did not show a noticeable difference (P&gt;0.05) against the organoleptic test of pindang batik egg odor. The results of the analysis of pindang batik egg variety showed a real difference (P&lt;0.05) from the organoleptic test of pindang batik egg texture, with a liking level of 0.25%. The results of the variety analysis showed a significant difference (P&lt;0.05) from the reception organoleptic test with the highest favorability at the level of 0.25%. Conclusion of the study There was a significant influence on egg white color, texture and acceptance of tea leaf tanning ingredients, and did not have a noticeable effect on egg yolk color, smell and taste of pindang batik eggs. It is recommended that in making pindang batik eggs, you should use a concentration of 0.25 tea leaves because it provides results that consumers like.</em></p> Roisu Eny Mudawaroch, Jeki Mediantari Wahyu Wibawanti, Hanung Dhidhik Arifin Copyright (c) 2024 Roisu Eny Mudawaroch, Jeki Mediantari Wahyu Wibawanti, Hanung Dhidhik Arifin https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 https://jurnal.umpwr.ac.id/index.php/jrap/article/view/3947 Mon, 10 Jun 2024 11:25:33 +0700 Lama Simpan Telur Puyuh yang di Rendan dalam Ektrak Etanol Kulit Manggis (Garcia Mangostana L ) https://jurnal.umpwr.ac.id/index.php/jrap/article/view/5053 <p><em>Mangosteen was a tannin-containing ingredient that was used as a tanner. The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of mangosteen ethanol extract levels on the shelf life of duck eggs. This study used a factorial pattern RAL, namely the level of ethanol extract of mangosteen peel and storage time. The results of the anova analysis showed that soaking with the level of mangosteen peel extract had a very real effect on the white index value. The results of the anova analysis showed that soaking with the level of mangosteen peel extract had a real effect on the value of the duck egg yolk index. The average results of the egg yolk index treatment had an average value of 0.31-0.36. Soaking the level of mangosteen peel extract gives a noticeable difference in the color of the duck egg yolk. The color of the yolk of duck eggs ranges from 13.95-14.23. The level of mangosteen peel ethanol extract did not differ significantly and the storage time had a very real effect on the pH of duck egg yolk. The level of ethanol extract of mangosteen peel and storage time had a real effect on the pH of duck egg yolk. The conclusion was that the level of mangosteen peel ethanol extract affects the egg white index, yolk index, and does not differ from the color of the yolk, the pH of the egg white, and the pH of the yolk in duck eggs.&nbsp; The storage time at room temperature affects the egg white index, yolk index, yolk color, pure white pH and was no different from the pH of the yolk in duck eggs.</em></p> Putra Bangun Wicaksono, Rinawidiastuti Rinawidiastuti, Mus Nilamcaya Copyright (c) 2024 Rinawidiastuti Rinawidiastuti, Mus Nilamcaya, Putra Bangun Wicaksono https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 https://jurnal.umpwr.ac.id/index.php/jrap/article/view/5053 Mon, 10 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Profil Usaha Peternak Sapi Di Desa Jogoresan Kecamatan Purwodadi Kabupaten Purworejo https://jurnal.umpwr.ac.id/index.php/jrap/article/view/4852 <p>This study aims to determine the business profile and characteristics of cattle farmers in Jogoresan Village, Purwodadi Subdistrict. The population of this study were 142 cattle farmers. Sampling used the Slovin formula calculation with an error rate of 10% so that the sample size was 60 farmers. Data collection instruments used questionnaires and interviews.&nbsp;The results of data analysis show that the process of cattle farming run by Jogoresan Village farmers is still carried out traditionally so that public awareness of livestock programs provided by the government is still low. The busyness of farmers also affects the concentration of farmers in running their business because the livestock business is not the main job.</p> ela rosita ariana, Faruq Iskandar Copyright (c) 2024 ela rosita ariana, Faruq Iskandar https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 https://jurnal.umpwr.ac.id/index.php/jrap/article/view/4852 Tue, 11 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Pakan Sapi Simental Jantan di Taman Ternak Ruminansia Maron, Kabupaten Temanggung, JawaTengah https://jurnal.umpwr.ac.id/index.php/jrap/article/view/5161 <p>Simental cows are superior cows crossed between German cattle and Swiss cattle. An important issue in superior cattle is the need for feed. The purpose of this study is the feed needs of male simental beef cattle. The research material is 16 male simental cows with a weight of 200-250 kg. The parameters observed were the amount of feed, feed consumption, drinking water consumption, weight gain, conversion and distribution of feed. The parameters are measured based on the consumption of dry materials. The average feed given is 22.06 kg / day. and concentrate 2.21 kg /day. with a weight of 219.19 kg. The drinking water provided is 17.06 liters/day. Feed consumption was 2.82 % (BK) with TDN 66.40 %, Pk 14.40 %,. Daily weight gain of 1.24. Feed conversion is 5.09% and efficiency is 19.65%. The conclusion that the feed given in the form of forage and concentrate has a fairly high PBBH.</p> Beni Pratama Setiawan, Hanung Dhidhik Arifin Copyright (c) 2024 Beni Pratama Setiawan, Hanung Dhidhik Arifin https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 https://jurnal.umpwr.ac.id/index.php/jrap/article/view/5161 Sat, 29 Jun 2024 20:29:27 +0700 Karakteristik Bakso Daging Kuda yang Diberi Tepung Tapioka (Manihot Esculenta) dan STPP (Sodium Tripoliphoapat) Terhadap Kualitas Fisik dan Organoleptik https://jurnal.umpwr.ac.id/index.php/jrap/article/view/5159 <p><em>Horse meat has a tough texture. To be able to consume it deliciously, it is necessary to have processing that can reduce the toughness of the meat by making horse meat meatballs. The aim of this research was to determine the effect of tapioca flour and STPP (Sodium Tripolyphosphate) levels on the physical and organoleptic quality of horse meat meatballs. The research was conducted at the Integrated Laboratory of Muhammadiyah University, Purworejo. The ingredients used are 10 kg of horse meat, tapioca flour, STTP (Sodium Tripolyphosphate). The design used was a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) Factorial Pattern with 4 treatments, 3 replications, 3 factorials. The addition of tapioca flour did not have a significant effect on the organoleptic properties and pH of horse meat meatballs, but had a significant effect on the tenderness (physical properties) of horse meat meatballs. The addition of STTP to horse meat meatballs has no significant effect on the organoleptic properties and tenderness (physical properties) of horse meat meatballs, but has a significant effect on the pH of horse meat meatballs</em></p> Sakti Mahambara, Roisu Eny Mudawaroch, Jeki Mediantari Wahyu Wibawanti Copyright (c) 2024 Sakti Mahambara, Roisu Eny Mudawaroch, Jeki Mediantari Wahyu Wibawanti https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 https://jurnal.umpwr.ac.id/index.php/jrap/article/view/5159 Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Strategi Pemberdayaan Masyarakat melalui Kemitraan oleh Omah Jamur Tepian Langit https://jurnal.umpwr.ac.id/index.php/jrap/article/view/4228 <p><em>Oyster mushrooms are commodities that have a wide market share, but cannot be fulfilled by farmers. Partnerships between Omah Mushroom Tepian Langit and the community are needed to increase oyster mushroom production and community income. This study aims to identify and analyze community empowerment programs through oyster mushroom cultivation partnerships in Sendangagung Village, Minggir District, Sleman Regency. The research method uses a qualitative approach. The informant of this study is the owner of Omah Mushroom Tepian Langit. Observations and interviews were conducted to collect data. The results showed that the empowerment process in the community in cultivating oyster mushrooms went through 3 stages, namely, the stage of awareness, capacity, and empowerment. The awareness stage is carried out with discussion and socialization. The capacity stage is carried out by training in the cultivation of oyster mushrooms. The empowerment stage is carried out by providing facilities in the form of capital in the form of mushroom baglogs.</em></p> Faizal Darmawan, Epsi Euriga Copyright (c) 2024 Faizal Darmawan https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 https://jurnal.umpwr.ac.id/index.php/jrap/article/view/4228 Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700