Scripta : English Department Journal 2024-11-30T04:08:23+07:00 Edi Sunjayanto Masykuri Open Journal Systems <pre>Abbreviation :scripta<br>DOI Prefix :10.37729/scripta<br>ISSN :(e) <a title="ISSN online" href="">2746-2706</a>, (p) <a title="ISSN Print" href=";1348493198&amp;1&amp;&amp;" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2302-6677 </a>(p)<br>Type of review :Single Blind<br>Frequency :Twice a year (June and October)<br>Editor in Chief :<a href=";as_sdt=0%2C5&amp;q=edi+sunjayanto+&amp;btnG=&amp;oq=edi+s">Edi Sunjayanto Masykuri</a><br>Indexing :Garuda, Google scholar, Dimension, SINTA 4 <br>Focus &amp; Scope :Linguistics, Literature and English Education</pre> Improving Learners’ Speaking Skill through Video-Assisted Project Based Learning 2024-10-15T15:57:18+07:00 Evi Kasdianti Tusino Tusino Junaedi Setiyono <p>This study investigates the improvement of Video Assisted Project-Based Learning (VAPBL) in improving learners' speaking skills. While VAPBL, has been employed in many studies, the development of learners' speaking skills in terms of fluency, accuracy, and coherence has received less attention in the literature. Twenty-two learners from the language class of Secondary School, participated in the study. The investigation employed Classroom Action Research design to measure the outcome of VAPBL on learners' speaking proficiency. The two cycles involved selecting appropriate video materials and designing project-based learning activities aligned with curriculum objectives. There are two cycles in this research and each cycle consist of three meetings. During the application phase, learners engaged in VAPBL activities over a specified period, including watching videos, participating in discussions, and completing project-based tasks. The findings revealed a significant advancement in learners' speaking abilities following the application of VAPBL. Moreover, in the questionnaire the learners’ perception have positive outcome of VAPBL in language learning activities. This study underscores the importance of interactive and collaborative learning environments facilitated by VAPBL in enhancing learners' speaking skills.</p> 2024-09-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Scripta : English Department Journal Kahoot! In English Classroom to Improve Reading Students in Madrasah Aliyah Jamiat Kheir 2024-10-16T16:19:07+07:00 Fauziah Ardini Burhayani Burhayani <p>This research presents the results of a small survey study involving 22 high school students at an international educational institution, regarding their experiences in learning languages using Kahoot!, an online quiz game platform. The research sample consisted of 22 students (13 female and 9 male) from Madrasah Aliyah Jamiat Kheir, Central Jakarta, in the period November 2023 to July 2024. This research used quantitative and experimental methods for data collection. The collected quantitative data was analyzed statistically using descriptive statistical methods. Analysis shows that the majority of students responded positively to the use of Information and Communication Technology in classroom learning, especially in the use of Kahoot! Most students felt that Kahoot! increasing their motivation and involvement in the learning process, as well as helping them understand the material better through an interactive and fun approach. This research also emphasizes the important role of teachers in preparing and implementing learning technology effectively. Teachers need to prepare well and use appropriate practices based on their experience and knowledge. Understanding effective reading methods is very important to improve the quality of learning in Indonesia. The results of this research show that implementing appropriate learning technology, such as Kahoot!, can significantly improve students' reading abilities. Additionally, this research highlights the importance of training and professional development for teachers in the use of educational technology. With adequate training, teachers can be more effective in integrating ICT into the curriculum, creating a more dynamic and productive learning environment. This research provides evidence that the use of technology tools such as Kahoot! can be an effective strategy for improving the quality of education, especially in teaching English in Indonesia.</p> 2024-10-16T16:17:42+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Scripta : English Department Journal Improving English Reading Comprehension Through Readable Applications in SMA Negeri 1 Purworejo 2024-10-23T12:25:14+07:00 Wardah Nuur Jannah Puspa Dewi Andrian Nuriza Johan <p>The Readable application is a digital platform to improve English language learning by providing simplified stories across various genres, supported by audio and word translation features. This research investigates the effectiveness of teaching reading comprehension through the Readable application and examines students' perceptions of its utility in learning. The study was conducted among eleventh-grade students at SMA Negeri 1 Purworejo during the 2024/2025 academic year, with a total sample of 72 students. A quasi-experimental design was used, with 36 students in the experimental (XI-I) and 36 in the control (XI-K) class. Findings showed a significant improvement in reading comprehension for the experimental group, with mean pre-test and post-test scores of 51.64 and 71.22, respectively. The two-tailed significance value was 0.00, below the 0.05 threshold, supporting the alternative hypothesis. Additionally, students provided positive feedback on the app, expressing that it made learning English more enjoyable and accessible. These results suggest that the Readable application is valuable for enhancing reading comprehension skills.</p> 2024-10-23T12:23:48+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Scripta : English Department Journal Character’s Analysis in Ego Defense Mechanism due to Trauma and Revenge on Hannibal Rising 2024-10-23T16:18:44+07:00 Demarmega Galuh Anggraeni Agnes Widyaningrum <p>This study explores the ego defense mechanisms exhibited by the main character in Peter Webber’s film Hannibal Rising, particularly in response to trauma and revenge. Rooted in psychoanalytic theory, the analysis focuses on how the protagonist, Hannibal Lecter, employs various defense mechanisms such as repression, denial, and sublimation to cope with the traumatic events of his past. These mechanisms help him channel his psychological distress into acts of revenge. The study delves deeper into the implications of these defense mechanisms on Hannibal's personality development, examining how trauma shapes his moral descent and fuels his violent tendencies. Additionally, the complex interplay between trauma, psychological defenses, and the protagonist’s relentless drive for retribution is explored, offering a nuanced understanding of his transformation into a morally ambiguous figure. The analysis aims to shed light on how trauma influences not only behavior but also deep psychological processes.</p> 2024-10-23T16:16:53+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Scripta : English Department Journal The Impact of Reading Habit of Jakarta Post Towards Students’ Linguistic Features 2024-11-01T19:14:08+07:00 Syifa Aulia Putri Waskito Sudar Sudar Zulia Chasanah <p>The purpose of this research aims to determine the student’s reading habits of Jakarta Post, their linguistic features of comprehension focusing on words and morphemes, and the impact of these habits on their linguistic features of comprehension focusing on words and morphemes. A mixed method was used in this research. The statistical population of this study was 45 students from the third semester of English language education. The sample of this research class B was 20 students.The result of &nbsp;the research revealed that the mean scores of pre-tests was 71.95, while the mean scores of post-tests was 83. The result of the two-sided significance value is 0.000. Compared to the significance level of 5% (0.05), the statistic shows that the two-fold significance level is lower than the significance level of 5% (0.00 &lt; 0.05). In addition, the results of the interview also showed that students had a good answer about reading habit of Jakarta Post. This study’s result indicated that &nbsp;reading habit of Jakarta Post has a significant effect. It positively impacts students’ linguistic features comprehension, focusing on word &amp; morpheme.</p> 2024-11-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Scripta : English Department Journal The Impact of Project Based Learning Using Podcast on Student Speaking Skill 2024-11-01T19:17:59+07:00 Selvy Amylia Ayu Pratiwi Rukminingsih Rukminingsih Livia Dwi Mumtazah <p>This research aims to find out whether students who were given the PjBL method using podcasts achieved better speaking skills compared to students who were given the conventional method. The population in this study was 70 students devided into experimental class and control class from one of the senior high schools in Jombang, East Java. The&nbsp; sample was taken by using proposive sample which consisted of 2 science classes with 35&nbsp; students for each class. The researcher used purposive sampling to select 2 classes from the population that would be used as the experimental class and the control class. This research uses a quantitative experimental design method. Based on the result of inferential statistic, it can be seen that sig. (2 tailed) value 0.00 &lt;0.05, so it can be seen that was significant different effect. In the experimental class the teacher provides a project-based learning method in students' learning of speaking skills, students are more interested and more effective in the learning process. It can be seen that the PjBL method is very good for use in the teaching and learning process. researchers suggest using other skills in teaching.</p> 2024-11-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Scripta : English Department Journal EFL Students’ Perceptions Towards the Use of Grammarly Application in Learning Writing Skills 2024-11-01T19:21:17+07:00 Fara Anandita Khonirin Roslaini Roslaini <p>This study explores the perceptions of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) students towards the use of the Grammarly application in improving their writing skills. Conducted at the University of Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka Jakarta, the research involved 120 students. A quantitative approach was used with survey administered a&nbsp;closed-ended questionnaire with 20 items. Data were collected using Google Forms and the analysis was carried out using a&nbsp;5-Likert Scale, with averages generated in Microsoft Excel. The study eval____uates a students' views regarding the efficacy, usability, and overall impact of Grammarly on their writing. The findings indicate that while Grammarly is perceived as a useful tool for identifying grammatical errors and enhancing writing quality, students also highlighted concerns about over-reliance on the tool, which could affect their attentiveness to writing without the software. Despite these concerns, the majority of participants reported improved writing confidence and skills. The study concludes that Grammarly can be an effective supplementary tool in EFL writing instruction, provided its limitations are addressed and it is used in conjunction with traditional teacher feedback</p> 2024-11-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Scripta : English Department Journal Discourse Analysis in Song Lyric Entitled Boulevard Sung by Dan Byrd 2024-11-04T11:00:42+07:00 Niken Wardhani Semi Sukarni Sudar Sudar <p>This research aimed to get the three aspect of discourse analysis: contextual, grammatical and lexical aspect of the song lyric entitled Boulevard. In this study, the researcher would like to discuss the song lyric using qualitative approach. After analyzing it, the researcher found that the lyric was about a sad story of a heartbroken man and hoping to get a happy life with his lover if he got another chance. In the side of grammatical and lexical analysis give&nbsp; a cohession and coherence in the song lyric. The result of the grammatical and lexical aspect gives a depiction of cohesion and coherence of the song discourse of “Boulevard”. It can be seen that there are seven forms of first singular personal pronoun of “I”, nine forms of second plural personal pronoun of “you”, and three form of first plural personal pronoun of “we”. Though, it is difficult to find lexical aspect of this song discourse in the song lyric “Boulevard, there are collocation and equivalency aspect in it. They are “My love” and “lovers”, “happy forever” and “love together” as colocation aspect. Whereas “let me know” and “tell me”, “go” and “left” as the equivalency aspect.</p> 2024-11-04T10:58:12+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Scripta : English Department Journal Personal Pronoun Errors in Seventh Grade Descriptive Texts: A Purworejo Case Study 2024-11-11T16:59:00+07:00 Edi Purnomo Titi Rokhayati Tusino Tusino <p>This study examines personal pronoun errors in descriptive texts written by seventh-grade students in Purworejo, Indonesia. A sample of 16 students, comprising 8 males and 8 females, was analyzed to identify common error patterns. Errors were categorized into four types: omission, addition, misformation, and misordering. Results showed that omission errors were the most frequent, constituting 43% of the total, followed by misformation errors at 37%, addition errors at 14%, and misordering errors at 7%. The study highlights specific challenges these learners face in using personal pronouns correctly in English. Understanding these error patterns is essential for educators aiming to develop targeted teaching strategies. Findings suggest that focused interventions on personal pronouns can significantly improve students' writing skills. Future research should explore effective teaching methods to address these errors and enhance ESL learners' proficiency in English writing. This study contributes to the limited research on personal pronoun errors among Indonesian ESL students and emphasizes the need for tailored educational approaches.</p> 2024-11-11T16:57:21+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Scripta : English Department Journal Exploring EFL Students’ Writing Strategies in Composing Classroom Action Research (CAR) Proposals 2024-11-17T14:47:11+07:00 Tiara Afdalia Akhmad Fauzan Bahing Bahing <p>This study explored the writing strategies employed by EFL students when composing Classroom Action Research (CAR) proposals, focusing on the frequency of strategy use. Using a quantitative research design, data were collected through a structured questionnaire administered to 48 undergraduate students in the English Language Education Study Program at the University of Palangka Raya. The questionnaire measured the frequency of pre-writing, while-writing, and revising strategies. The findings reveal that students frequently engaged with while-writing strategies, particularly translation from Indonesian to English. The pre-writing stage showed moderate engagement, with students commonly reviewing examples of well-written proposals but less frequently using formal outlining techniques. In the revising stage, feedback from lecturers was highly valued, with students actively using it to improve their proposals. However, self-editing strategies were less emphasized, indicating a reliance on external feedback for revisions. The study concludes that while students benefit from translation and feedback-driven revision, there is a need for more significant support in developing independent revision skills and expanding academic vocabulary.</p> 2024-11-17T14:44:18+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Scripta : English Department Journal Figurative Languages and Their Meaning Found in the Rachael Lippincott’s Novel Five Feet Apart 2024-11-21T13:31:49+07:00 RR Tahta Ni'mah Salsabila Sudar Sudar Ismawati Ike Nugraeni <p>This research seeks to identify the forms of figurative language present in Rachael Lippincott’s novel <em>Five Feet Apart</em> and to explain the meanings of the identified figurative language. This research employed a qualitative methodology. The primary instrument was the researcher herself. The researcher employed the content analysis methodology. The study indicates that five forms of figurative language exist out of twelve, according to Perrine’s theory. The figures of speech include personification, metaphor, exaggeration, metonymy, and simile. Personification constitutes the predominant form of figurative language, appearing in 27 of the 69 phrases. The preval___ent sort of figurative language in the novel is personification, which plays a crucial role in expressing the meanings of various figurative expressions. The novel explores the emotions (fear, anxiety, pain, anger, joy) experienced by the characters in the novel.</p> 2024-11-21T13:29:53+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Scripta : English Department Journal Analysis of Sentence Types Found in Stephen Crane’s Short Story A Dark Brown Dog 2024-11-22T10:49:59+07:00 Marsela Febrianti Sudar Sudar Sri Widodo <p>English is a global language for communication, and it's essential to develop four critical skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. In writing, using the right words and sentence structure is crucial. This research analyzed the sentence structures in Stephen Crane's short story <em>A Dark Brown Dog</em>. The study employs a descriptive and qualitative approach to explore the roles of different sentence types within the narrative and their potential applications in writing instruction. The data for this analysis was derived from Stephen Crane's short story <em>A Dark Brown Dog</em>. The results showed that there are four types of sentences in the story. Out of 144 sentences, 69 are simple (47.22%), 11 are compound (7.64%), 51 are complex (35.41%), and 14 are compound-complex (9.72%). These sentence types can help teach writing.</p> 2024-11-22T10:48:48+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Scripta : English Department Journal Development of Context-Based English Learning Materials for Automotive Vocational High School Students 2024-11-30T04:08:23+07:00 Aditya Arfiansyah Tyas Alhim Mubarok Widiarini Widiarini <p>This study examined the development of context-based English learning materials for Grade 11 automotive students at SMKN 1 Nglegok, addressing the need for vocationally relevant English resources within the Merdeka Curriculum framework. Using a Research and Development approach, the study created five units focused on automotive language needs, such as workshop communication and customer interaction, employing Context-Based Learning (CBL) principles to enhance real-world applicability. Feedback from teachers and students indicated high satisfaction with the materials’ relevance, comprehensive language components, and engaging, interactive elements. Positive responses highlighted the materials' role in improving job readiness, though some feedback suggested the need for refinements, such as adjusting language complexity and incorporating more multimedia support to address diverse proficiency levels. Overall, this research highlights the importance of context-specific English materials in vocational education, providing foundational insights for future enhancements to better equip students with practical language skills for industry applications.</p> 2024-11-30T04:06:12+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Scripta : English Department Journal