Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines

The article framework consists of:
1. Introduction,
2. Research Methods,
4. Research Results and Discussion,
5. Conclusion,
6. Suggestions
7. Acknowledgments
8. Bibliography

Research Title
The title must be concise and informative, describing the results of the study and the variables, and the relationship between these variables can be seen in the title. The article title should be at most 14 words.
Abstracts are written in Indonesian using Calibri letters, size 11, space 1 and with a maximum text length of 250 words. The Indonesian version of the abstract is written in standard Indonesian with enhanced spelling. It is important to avoid writing mathematical abbreviations and formulas in the abstract. Abstract describes briefly about the problem, objectives, methods, results and conclusions. Writing complete sentences contains at least subject and predicate elements. In writing a passive sentence, the subject and predicate elements must be clear, not confused with the explanatory (object) element.
Key words: consists of 3-5 words