The manuscripts
The manuscript should be an original research paper that sufficiently contributes novelty to physics education and its derivation from authors who have not been published in other journals. Authors are requested to submit their papers electronically by using the JIPS: Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan Sains online submission procedure. The corresponding author should also provide a statement that the manuscript is not concurrently being under consideration for publication elsewhere. The Editors will ignore submissions that do not follow these procedures.
Structure of the manuscripts
General Writing Format
Specific Writing Format
Tables and Figures
Tables and figures should be presented as follows:
Acknowledgment, if any, should be written of the manuscript's title.
Citation in the text body should be written using the family name and years of publication. Example:
The manuscript is expected to involve approximately 20-25 primary and up-to-date references to assert high-quality contributions to knowledge development. Citations and references must strictly follow the IEEE style. References should include only works that are cited within the text of the manuscript.
References should appear as:
Book with one author:
A.A. Author, “Title of the book”. Location/City, State: Publisher. 2007, pp: xx
Book with two authors:
A.A. Author, B.B. Author. “Title of the book”. Location/City, State: Publisher. 2005.
Book with more than two authors:
A.A. Author, B.B. Author, & C.C. Author. “Title of the book”. Location/City, State: Publisher. 2005.
Journal article:
M. Ramadani, S. Supahar, & D. Rosana. “Validity of evaluation instrument on the implementation of performance assessment to measure science process skills”. Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan IPA, 2017. 3(2), 180-188. doi:
I.Z. Ichsan, D.V. Sigit, M. Miarsyah, A. Ali, W.P. Arif, & T.A. Prayitno. :” HOTS-AEP: Higher Order Thinking Skills from Elementary to Master Students in Environmental Learning”. European Journal of Educational Research. 8(4), 2019: 935-942.
Goodhew, M. Lisa, D. Amy. Robertson, Paula RL Heron, and Rachel E. Scherr. "Student conceptual resources for understanding mechanical wave propagation." Physical Review Physics Education Research 15, no. 2. 2019. 020127.
Edited book:
A.A. Author, (Ed.). “Title of work”. Location/City, State: Publisher. 2009.
Unpublished doctoral dissertation or master’s thesis:
Author, A. A. “Title of dissertation”. Ph.D. dissertation. Department, University, City of University, State, Year.
Published proceedings:
A. Author., B. B, Author., & C. C. Author., “Title of paper”. in Conference Title, April 2019. 288(1), 12030.
Manuscript Template
The manuscript should be prepared according to the following MS Word template
Journal Metrics
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