
Start from January 2021, Surya Abdimas moved to quarter publication model (4 issues per year: January - April - July - October). We want to serve authors better in reporting the results of community service and empowerment. 

  • Call for Paper; Volume 7 No 3 & 4 (2023)


    Surya Abdimas welcomes community services papers on a range of topics that include the field of Community  Empowerment, Community Service, Community Training and Education, etc. We invite researchers and academics to submit manuscripts with downloadable formats on the links:  Manuscript Guidelines
    Important Date:
    Deadline for submission:
    Vol 7 No 4 October (2023) = 1 September 2023

    Please write your manuscript in Bahasa or English. The authors can register and submit the manuscript at the link: Submissions
    Note:  Our editors will not respond to author requests to "order publication" on certain volumes and issues, we process all submissions according to the peer-review process
    This information can be forwarded to your fellow researchers and academics at your institution. For further information, please feel free to contact us:  

    Read more about Call for Paper; Volume 7 No 3 & 4 (2023)
  • Call for Reviewer 2023


    Redaksi jurnal Surya Abdimas membuka kesempatan bagi para pakar dan ahli dalam berbagai bidang pengabdian kepada masyarakat bergabung menjadi Reviewer pada tahun 2023.
    Bidang pengabdian: Hukum, Kesehatan, Pertanian, Ekonomi & Akuntansi, Edukasi Masyarakat, Teknologi dan Informasi, Dakwah, dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat. 
    Reviewer terpilih akan dihubungi oleh tim editor, dan nama terpilih akan dicantumkan pada daftar Reviewer di Website.
    Formulir Pendaftaran: CLICK HERE

    Read more about Call for Reviewer 2023