• Edi Sunjayanto Masykuri Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo
Keywords: Media, Poetry, English Pronunciation


The purpose of this study is to describe students' mastery in pronouncing English words and to find out the extent to which this media can be used for teaching pronunciation in class X students of SMP Negeri 1 Kajen. This research is an experimental research. The population of this study was the X grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Kajen totaling 259 students. The sample of this research was 64 students by purposive sampling. Data collection techniques using tests and documentation. It was done by giving a pre-test and post-test. While data analysis techniques use descriptive analysis and inferential analysis. Inferential analysis is done manually and SPSS. Student learning outcomes in the pre-test and post-test showed a significant increase. The calculation result of t value is 3,012. This means that Ha is accepted. The highest value of the post-test results was 92 from the experimental group, while the highest value of the post-test results was 85 from the control group. The average value of the Experimental group's post test was 80.06, while the average value of the control group was 74.72. The experimental group was the group that was treated by giving an English poem entitled The Chaos by Trenité. Based on the research findings, the calculated t value is higher than the t table (3.012 > 2.000). From these results, the researcher concluded that Ho was rejected and Ha was accepted. In other words, the results of this study indicate that Trenité's The Chaos can be used for teaching pronunciation in English.


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How to Cite
Sunjayanto Masykuri, E. (2023). A POEM ENTITLED THE CHAOS BY TRENITÉ AS A MEDIUM FOR TEACHING ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION. Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa, Sastra Dan Pengajarannya, 2(1), 62-71. Retrieved from https://jurnal.umpwr.ac.id/index.php/jibsp/article/view/2999