Author Guidelines

Structure of the Manuscripts

  1. Title

The title in Indonesian is written in Calibry font 12-point (12-pt), capital, bold, 1.5 spacing, 20 words maximum.

  1. Author's names and institutions

The full author's name without a title is written in Calibry font 12-pt, capitalized at the beginning of each word. Author Affiliate Institution with full address written in Calibry font 12-pt, capitalized at the beginning of each word, single spaced.

  1. Email

E-mail address is written in Calibry font 12-pt, single spaced.

  1. Abstract and keywords

Abstract is written in Indonesian using Calibri font 11-pt, single spaced, text length between 200-300 words. Abstract writing using Indonesian with improved spelling and according to correct Indonesian writing rules. Writing references in the abstract should be avoided. The abstract briefly describes the problem, objectives, methods, results and conclusions of the research. Keywords written in italics, 3-5 words.

  1. Introduction

Introduction written in calibry font, 12-pt. Introduction describes the background of the problem, the objectives and benefits of the research, previous research that is relevant to the research conducted, the explanation of the theory or approach used in the research. Writing a bibliography can be in the form of research results, reference books, or related journals, with a minimum year of publication in the last 10 years. References or sources that are referred to or quoted must include a description of the article along with the author's last name, year of publication, and the page in the reference. The referenced sources are listed in the bibliography.

  1. Methods

Method written in calibry font, 12-pt. Method describes the form or type of research, data sources and research data, data collection techniques, data collection instruments, data collection procedures, and data analysis methods.

  1. Results and Discussion

Results and Discussion written in calibry font, 12-pt. Results and Discussion should answer the problems and research objectives. The research results are presented clearly, completely and straightforwardly.

  1. Conclusion

Conclusion written in calibry font, 12-pt. Conclusions should answer the problem and research objectives. The conclusion is neither a summary nor a rewrite of the discussion. Conclusions are written in the form of a narrative description, not details with numbers or letters. Conclusions should not have a reference source.

  1. References

References written in calibry font, 12-pt. The referenced libraries are published in the last 10 years. We recommend that all referenced literature sources are primary sources or the first book (research results, ideas that have been published in journals, both printed and electronic). In addition, avoid references to articles that come from unclear and untrusted sources. Reference writing is recommended using the Mendeley application and citing references using the American Psychology Association (APA) Sixth Edition style.