Peer Review Process
Scripta Peer Review Process
SCRIPTA Journal is a Single-blind peer-reviewed journal. Submissions which meet the requirements of the journal are reviewed by two experienced reviewers in the field of ELT and are rated using the following criteria.
- The title is appropriate, concise, and clear.
- Abstract well represents the article.
- The writer’s aims are clear and well justified.
- The writer uses appropriate references.
- The references are adequate.
- All parts are complete and relevant.
- The article is of appropriate length.
- All the statements are clear.
- Diagrams, figures, illustrations are clear and functional.
- The article contributes to the advancement of theories and/ or practices in the field.
- For research report article:
- The problem/issue/purpose of the study is clear and well justified with contextualization within the wider web of relevant studies.
- Research methodology and design suit the purpose(s).
- Research procedures are clearly described.
- Research findings are well presented.
- Discussion well explains the findings and logically links the findings to theories and/ or practices; alternative perspectives are sought for (where applicable).
- Conclusions are well drawn.