The Barit Cowong tradition Karangturi Village Kroya District Cilacap Regency is known as the Barit Cowong Sekar Kantil tradition, referring to the name of the cowong doll used, namely Sekar Kantil. This research aims to describe the values of the Barit Cowong Sekar Kantil tradition. This research is included in qualitative research. The research data is in the form of dialogue excerpts from interviews with informants and event excerpts from observations during the implementation of the Barit Cowong Sekar Kantil tradition. The data sources in this research are informants who know and play a direct role in the implementation of the Barit Cowong Sekar Kantil tradition, as well as photos, videos and documentation related to the Barit Cowong Sekar Kantil tradition. The data found was collected using open interview techniques, open observation, field notes, and documentation. Then it was analyzed using the interactive analysis technique of the Miles and Huberman model. The results of the analysis are presented informally using words. Words are used to explain the values of the Barit Cowong Sekar Kantil tradition. The results of the analysis of the Barit Cowong Sekar Kantil traditional values are that there are seven human values that are relevant to people's lives, namely economic values, physical values, entertainment values, social values, aesthetic values, intellectual values and religious values.
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