Author Guidelines

The JRAP Writers Guide starting with vol 5 issue 2 using the latest writing format.

  • JRAP receives manuscripts of scientific articles on agriculture and animal husbandry and their derivatives from authors who have never been published in other journals.
  • The manuscript is typed on A4 paper with margins: up 3.5 cm, left 3 cm, right 3 cm, and bottom 3 cm. The script is typed in 1.15 spaces with a minimum length of 5 pages and a maximum of 15 pages in one column format. The content of the article is written in Cambria 12 pt.
  • The title of the Indonesian article is written specifically and effectively in no more than 12 words while the article title in English is not more than ten words. The title of the article must be informative, specific, concise, and contain keywords that describe the overall content of the manuscript. The article title is written in Cambria 17 pt and Bold.
  • The author's name is written in Cambria 11 pt.

 If the author is more than one, separated by commas and containing agency origin and email address listed in descending order

  • Agency name and email address are written consecutively starting from the first author with Cambria 11 and space 1.
  • Abstracts are written in English and Indonesian. Abstract consists of 1 paragraph maximum of 200 words and is written in 10 pt, Cambria. The abstract is not in the form of a summary consisting of several paragraphs but only consists of 1 paragraph which clearly, intact, and completely describes the essence of the entire content of the writing which includes the background (subject matter), research objectives, methods, and results.
  • Keywords can consist of a maximum of 5 words, separated by commas.
  • Subtitles should be written in capital letters (Cambria 12 pt bold) and numbering format
  • Introduction: contains the background of the problem and research objectives, a literature review that is relevant to the problem under study (15-20% of the total length of the article)
  • Research Methods: contains explanations in the form of paragraphs containing the time and place of research, design, research materials/subjects, data collection procedures/techniques, instruments, and data analysis techniques (10-15% of the total length of the article)
  • Results and Discussion: contains the results of the analysis which is the answer to the research problem.
  • Conclusions, suggestions, and recommendations: presented in paragraph form on the research findings.
  • Quote using body notes. Don't use footnotes.
  • Bibliography contains sources used as references in research. Reference sources are at least 80% of the literature published in the last ten years. The references used are sources of primary articles in scientific journals or research reports (thesis, dissertation). The bibliography is written alphabetically in Cambria font 12 spaces 1, special indentation hangs 0.25 "after 12 pt. Bibliography writing rules follow APA Referencing rules (we recommend using the reference manager, i.e. Mendeley, Zotero, EndNote, etc.)