This research aims to describe the study of folklore in the folklore of Goa Seplawan, in Donorejo Village, Kaligesing District, Purworejo Regency. This type of research is descriptive qualitative, with the instrument, the researcher as the main instrument. In collecting data, researchers used observation, interviews, documentation and recording techniques, as well as literature studies. After that, the researcher analyzes and then describes the data into narrative text with exposure and description based on the results of the data obtained. After all the data is collected, the researcher draws conclusions from the initial process to the final completion, and compiles the data. Based on the results of the analysis of this research, it can be described about the origin of the folklore of Goa Seplawan, which has been passed down from generation to generation, where the origin of Goa Seplawan itself was formed naturally over a long period of time, and is a creation of God. Furthermore, the elements of myth or belief contained in the folklore of Goa Seplawan are, namely, as a place where supernatural beings exist, have supernatural or supernatural powers, are historical sites, and are considered to be the enactment of noble norms. In addition, there are also different perceptions of some people in Donorejo Village, towards the mythical elements contained in the Goa Seplawan.
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