Penerapan Teknik Scaffolding Untuk Mengatasi Kesulitan Siswa Dalam Menyelesaikan Soal Cerita Pada Materi SPLDV
This study aims to describe the application of the scaffolding technique given by the teacher to overcome students' learning difficulties in solving word problems in the material of a system of two-variable linear equations. The method used in this research is descriptive in the form of case studies. The subjects of this study were 8th-grade junior high school students. Subject-taking using a purposive sampling technique. Data collection techniques used the Learning Implementation Plan (RPP) instrument, syllabus, interviews, field notes, and documentation. The provision of scaffolding techniques is based on the level, namely Level 1 (Environmental Provisions classroom organization), namely the teacher prepares the learning environment in the classroom such as group arrangements and giving instructions in questions. Level 2 (Explaining, Reviewing, and Restructuring) namely explaining, re-examining, and rebuilding student understanding. Level 3 (Developing Conceptual Thinking) is directing students to improve conceptual thinking. The results of this study indicate that students with low categories have difficulties in determining the value of the variables and difficulties in mathematical calculations. The scaffolding technique provided is level 2 on explaining and restructuring. At the same time, students in the moderate category have difficulties in completing mathematical calculations. The scaffolding technique given is level 2 in reviewing. Students with a high category struggle to explain the results of the work that has been completed. The scaffolding technique provided is level 3, namely developing conceptual thinking.
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