A Case Study of Students’ Difficulties in Learning Conditional Sentence at the Eleventh Grade Students’ of SMA N 4 Purworejo in the Academic Year of 2016/2017

  • Satmoko Puji Laksana Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo, Indonesia
Keywords: Students Difficulties, Conditional Sentemce, Result


Conditional sentence becomes one of materials in grammar that is complex and difficult
to be used by the students especially in senior high school. Identifying the difficulties of
conditional sentence is essential to know how well the students master the materials.
The objectives of this research are to describe the most difficult types of conditional
sentence used by the students and to identify why the students get difficulties in learning
conditional sentence. This research uses descriptive qualitative research. The subject of
this research is the eleventh grade students (Class XI Bahasa) of SMA N 4 Purworejo.
From the findings that the researcher has done, conditional sentence type 3 became the
most difficult one. Based on the test, for each type of conditional sentence, type 3 is the
highest with the total number of wrong answer are 116 (47.5%), then type 2 with the
total number of wrong answer are 84 (34.4%), while type 1 is the lowest with the total
number of wrong answer are 44 (18.1%). Added by the result of questionnaire as
supporting instruments, the most difficult type of conditional sentence is conditional
sentence type 3. The result shows that three students strongly agree and twenty
students agree that conditional sentence type 3 is difficult. Then, one student strongly
agrees and fourteen students agree that conditional sentence type 2 is difficult. While,
just nine students agree that conditional type 1 is difficult. Morever, from the result of
the interview and questionnaire, the researcher identifies the students’ difficulties in
learning conditional sentence, they are the highest graduation is students are lack of
vocabulary (66.67%), the second is having to eagerness to master the material (62.34%),
the third is having negative attitude toward teaching and learning process (56.79%), the
fourth is environment impact to learn English (55.55%), the fifth is not paying attention
to the material (50.93%), the sixth is having negative attitude towards English and
grammar (54.32%), and the last is the condition of the facilities is not good (22.22%).


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How to Cite
Laksana, S. P. (2019). A Case Study of Students’ Difficulties in Learning Conditional Sentence at the Eleventh Grade Students’ of SMA N 4 Purworejo in the Academic Year of 2016/2017. Scripta : English Department Journal, 6(1). Retrieved from https://jurnal.umpwr.ac.id/index.php/scripta/article/view/697