Kualitas Sensoris Telur Pindang batik yang Disamak dengan Teh Hitam

Sensory Qualities of Pindang batik Eggs Tanned with Black Tea

  • Roisu Eny Mudawaroch Universitas muhammadiyah purworejo
  • Jeki Mediantari Wahyu Wibawanti Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo
  • Hanung Dhidhik Arifin Universitas Diponegoro
Keywords: Egg;, Batik Pindang;, Organoleptic;, Black Tea


The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of tea leaf levels as a tanner on pindang batik egg organoleptic tests. The results of this study are expected to be useful as information for producers about the level of tea leaves as a tanning agent for organoleptic tests of pindang batik eggs.      There is an influence of tea leaf levels as a tanner on the organoleptic test of pindang batik eggs.  The material in this study was chicken eggs, tea leaves, salt, water and garlic. The study used was an experiment with a complete randomized design. The results of the analysis of the various effects of tea leaf levels as a tanner for pindang batik eggs showed no real difference (P>0.05) against the organoleptic test of pindang batik egg taste.  The results of variety analysis showed a significant difference (P<0.05) from the organoleptic test of egg white color. Pindang batik eggs with a level of 0.25 percent tea leaves are most preferred by panelists because of the dense brown color of egg whites. The results of the variety analysis did not show a noticeable difference (P>0.05) from the organoleptic test of pindang batik egg yolk color.  The results of variety analysis did not show a noticeable difference (P>0.05) against the organoleptic test of pindang batik egg odor. The results of the analysis of pindang batik egg variety showed a real difference (P<0.05) from the organoleptic test of pindang batik egg texture, with a liking level of 0.25%. The results of the variety analysis showed a significant difference (P<0.05) from the reception organoleptic test with the highest favorability at the level of 0.25%. Conclusion of the study There was a significant influence on egg white color, texture and acceptance of tea leaf tanning ingredients, and did not have a noticeable effect on egg yolk color, smell and taste of pindang batik eggs. It is recommended that in making pindang batik eggs, you should use a concentration of 0.25 tea leaves because it provides results that consumers like.

How to Cite
Mudawaroch, R. E., Wibawanti, J. M. W., & Arifin, H. D. (2024). Kualitas Sensoris Telur Pindang batik yang Disamak dengan Teh Hitam: Sensory Qualities of Pindang batik Eggs Tanned with Black Tea. Jurnal Riset Agribisnis Dan Peternakan, 9(1), 19-27. https://doi.org/10.37729/jrap.v9i1.3947

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